Maps A repository of some of the maps featured on the website, with more to be added over time. Click on the images to view in higher detail. Figure 1. Relative vulnerability of Illinois Nature Preserves Commission (INPC) sites within Natural Divisions. Vulnerability is quantified as the highest magnitude present across the threats at a site. All threat variables were rescaled on a 0-10 scale based on the percentile of their values at each site compared to all values for that threat across the state, 10 being all threat values that were greater than 90% of all other occurrences of that threat across the state and 0 being absence of the threat. These percentile rescaled values were used to determine the magnitude of effect of each threat at a site. Figure 2. Relative vulnerability of Biologically Significant Stream (BSS) segments within Ecological Drainage Units. Vulnerability is quantified as the highest magnitude present across the threats at a segment. All threat variables were rescaled on a 0-10 scale based on the percentile of their values at each segment compared to all values for that threat across the state, 10 being all threat values that were greater than 90% of all other occurrences of that threat across the state and 0 being absence of the threat. These percentile rescaled values were used to determine the magnitude of effect of each threat at a segment. Figure 3. Illinois Natural Area Inventory (INAI) sites grouped from lowest to highest conservation priority by rarity weighted richness of critically imperiled/imperiled (S1/S2) state listed wildlife species and all additional fish and mussel SGCN. High priority sites have the highest rarity weighted richness values relative across all sites statewide. Figure 1. Spatial patterns of reach mussel species richness estimated via two different methods of stacking species-specific predictions. Figure 2. Hydrologic Unit Code 4 (HUC4) Getis-Ord Gi hot (red) and cold (blue) spots of estimated species richness, rescaled weighted endemism, and rescaled corrected weighted endemism from two different methods of stacking species-specific predictions. Click image to view at a higher resolution. Map of River Redhorse abundance in the Kankakee River from surveys during the 2019 field season. Example track of a survey targeting River Redhorse in the Kankakee River, recording; species, location, and water depth. Click image to view at full resolution. Embarras field survey sites for 2018 and 2019 field season both above and below the impoundment in Charleston, IL. Region map displaying the watershed boundaries of the two river basins being studied for smallmouth bass populations, the Mackinaw River (blue) and Vermillion River (green). Both rivers are tributaries to the Illinois River. Region map of the Vermilion River in east-central Illinois displaying eastern sand darter (ESD) abundances throughout the river. Region map of the Vermilion River in east-central Illinois displaying locations where eastern sand darter surveys were conducted in 2020. Map of Jordan Creek with current monitoring locations. A map of historic survey sites in Jordan Creek. Locations of wadeable stream survey sites in the Kaskaskia River Basin of Illinois. Sites were sampled by thte Illinois Natural History Survey as part of the monitoring and assessment of aquatic life for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Sampling locations from years 2013–2019 are symbolized by black diamonds (n=319) and year 2020 is sumbolized with orange circles (n=18). The basin is broken down to four United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code 8 (HUC8) scale sub-basins (Upper, Middle, Shoal, and Lower).