Stream Species Photos Click an image to view full screen. Mirror Carp, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Creek Chubsucker, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Red Shiner, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Dusky Darter, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Rainbow Darter, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Grass Pickerel, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Greenside Darter, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Bluebreast Darter, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Lamprey, SMB project Blackside Darter, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Redfin Shiner, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Project Longear Sunfish, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Orangethroat Darter, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Slender Madtom, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Orconectes virilis blue morph, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Smallmouth Bass, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Flathead Catfish, CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Hellgrammite larvae, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter River Redhorse, Assessing Population Viability of the River Redhorse Tabanidae larvae, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Juvenile (Tadpole Madtom), CREP Aquatic Life Monitoring Steelcolor Shiner, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter Eastern Sand Darter, Assessing Population Viability of the Eastern Sand Darter