Undergraduate Research


The stream ecology lab is always looking for enthusiastic students to participate in stream ecology research. There is the potential for either course credit or hourly employment. Please contact Dr. Cao if you are interested: yongcao@illinois.edu.

Course Credit

Students seeking stream research experience can work with INHS Stream Ecology Lab to develop an independent research project. You can enroll in NRES 295 Undergraduate Research or Thesis for 1-4 credit hours per semester. You can enroll in NRES 295 repeatedly up to 12 hours. Credit is not given for more than a total of 12 hours of Independent Study (IND) courses applying to a degree in ACES. Prerequisite: Junior standing, cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above at the time the activity is arranged, and consent of instructor.

Student Hourly Employment

Currently enrolled students can work up to 20 hours per week when taking classes. In the summer, student employees can work full-time (40 hours/week) if they are not taking summer classes.